Thursday, January 29, 2009

Learning to say "I'm sorry".

Learning how to say you are sorry is sometimes hard to do. It is really hard when you were the one to do wrong. Sometimes we can let emotions cause us to blow up on people and be a meannie(sp). I have to say I was a meannie(sp) today to a particular family member. I have alot of anger issues with this person and to be honest i pray daily that I can be a better person to them (not talking about my hubby). Growing up I have always felt as if this person was more for themselves than me, there was alot of things that were mandatory for them to do but emotionally, not there. To get to the point, I blew up on them today and it was not good. I had not done that in a long time. I mean a real long time. I don't know if it was a build up of emotions and holding back my feelings or just the fact that the person was being stubborn. To continue on, I struggled with calling back and apologizing all day and I did about an hour ago. I feel releaved. They did accept my apologies and hopefully I can control my temp the next time. Well I am learning that sometimes you just have to walk away or hang up the phone(not in thier ear. :0) I don't get angry that often but that was a doozie. Hopefully, I don't get that angry again.:0( Next time I will just get off the phone and talk later. I don't lke anger and rage to consume me. Soooooooooooooo, thanks for reading and good bye. Tenea.


  1. i feel that. good for you for being courageous enough to apologize... i am too often not...

  2. Amen Jesus, so I heard some wise woman say!! :0) Love you lady!
