Monday, January 26, 2009

I have to talk about the past couple of days. The first being punishing my son for lying to me. The second being having a great day at church and coming home and sleeping for 3 or 4 hours. And last but not least having lunch with a great friend, today. First things first, I had to punish my son for telling me a lie. As much as I hate punishing him I have to do it. But what I have found is if I take all of his stuff away he has a really hard time and begs for it back. I don't give it back to him unless I feel he has learned his lesson. What if God took everything from us when we sin against him and his word. Thank you Lord for being more gracious on me than I am on others. Secondly, at church we had the UNC Gospel Choir there at the church and I have to say it took me back to the days when I lived at home and went to Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Winston-Salem. The energy we had and when the song got really good we would sing in worship until the Spirit of the Lord lifted. I took me back to the days when worship had no time limit and if we were there until 11:00 pm singing it was alright. I have to say those were the days. I am not saying I don't love what I am doing now but I have to say I would love to worship until I am worn out. I remember being in Africa last year and singing on the praise team and how we sang until the spirit of God flooded the room it was probably the most awesome worship experience i ever had. Last but definitely not least. I love when God sends you real friends. i thank God for the one I had lunch with today. You know its awesome to be transparent before someone and its okay with them. When someone has your heart and they that you have theirs and you are keeping it safe as friends. Thank you Lord for lunch with a great person today. I thank you Lord for people that add to your life and not take away. Well I am falling asleep as I am typing so I better go to bed. Sincerely, Abundant in God and his righteousness. :0)


  1. Amen about Africa! That was an AMAZING worship experience and Sunday reminded me of some of that...I pray God brings more and more of it here :0)

  2. yaaaay! africa :) worship till we was wore out! oh yeah!
