Thursday, February 12, 2009

Believing beyond circumstance

The word of God states "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding and in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path." That sounds easy but living in this flesh sometimes can be hard to stand on. When you are believing God for the miraculous, but in your mind you want to know the source of where it is coming from and yet in your heart you know that the source is God. "Believing beyond circumstance" of course is the title of this blog but knowing how to believe is another. When God is telling you to "Get out of the boat" as he told Peter but the blow of the winds are telling you other wise, what do you do? You trust God and get out such as Peter did. Jesus said come and Peter did just that. But let's look at it even more, when Peter got out and in his mind he may have said, "Jesus I am going to trust you, here I come!" Then, Peter felt wind and panicked such as we do when God tells us to move beyond circumstance. With shallow waters under his feet and winds blowing against his flesh, nothing seemed solid. Jesus extended his hand and said "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" Let me ask this, was the wind at test of his faith? I believe so. Think about it when Peter got back into the boat the wind immediately died down. God commanded the wind to blow just to see how much Peter would trust him. How many times has God told you to go forth in something or things in your life and you got out and said okay God and literally crazy stuff started to happen. Can i tell you that it was the wind to test to see how much you will trust him. Being in Peters position and God asking me to step out on the water. Knowing me, I have to be honest, I would have done what Peter did "PANIC!" Saying, " God okay you are asking me to step out on shallow water and you are going to send the wind too!!!" Knowing how God always responds to me, would've been "Daughter, Just Trust Me Please." And as always I say,"Okay?" So I am currently at this "Okay?" moment. To bring all of this to an end, if the wind is blowing and the water is shallow under your feet, just trust him because when it is all said and done, MY GOD has the final word and it is "It is finished." To close this out, "Proverbs 10:22 says, The blessings of the Lord are rich and addeth no sorrow with it. KJV. Amen.
Abundant in God and his Gracefulness. "AKA" Tenea DeBerry.

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